Precision Livestock Farming : Student e-Course

3- Define the PLF objective


In this case study, what are the target variables and the field variables you will have to measure and what are the features variables?


Some examples of target and features variables corresponding to the challenge

The key properties that must be taken into consideration while assessing water quality for livestock include:

  • sensory attributes such as odour, taste, colour,

  • physicochemical properties (pH,total dissolved solids, hardness),

  • chemical composition (toxic compounds, excess minerals, nitrates, biological contaminants)

Some reference to estimate of water consumed daily by different categories of sheep

To evaluate the water requirement of sheep, you have to estimate the daily consumption of different categories of animals :

- feeder lamb (3.6 to 5.2 L/day)

- gestating ewe

- lactating ewe

adapted from Nutrient requirements of sheep. 6th edition. Washington, D.C.: National Research Council, 1985

Read some estimation in different species : see this here

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