Precision Livestock Farming : Student e-Course

6- Evaluate the solution


In addition to the cost, what are the tangible and intangible benefits

  • direct benefits for the farmer

  • indirect benefits for the food chain, the consumer, the society and the planet


Could you perform the SWOT analysis of your project ?

- Strengths ?

- Weaknesses ?

- Opportunities ?

- Threats ?



Take into account direct and indirect benefits, be they, tangible, semi-tangible or intangible

• Direct impact for the technology user:

– E.g. optimize weight when delivering to the slaughterhouse -> increased earnings.

• Indirect impact in the supply chain

– E.g. if the farmer can monitor the feed performance and share it with the feed provider in a automated way, the feed provider can change very quickly the feed mix, creating value.

– E.g. price premium in sales in relation with the “Responsibility index


In this case study the analyses is the following

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