Section outline

  • Click on the icon corresponding to your needs

    hat student

    Student in Animal Science

    Your Needs?

    • discover what is Precision Livestock Farming
    • understand how to transform farm data into decision making tools
    • perform own analysis of PLF tools in a farm

    Examples of profiles

    • Master degree, PhD in Animal Science
    • Teachers and Scientists in Animal Science 

    hat pro


    Your Needs?

    • update knowledge in Animal Science
    • better appraise the value added by Precision Livestock Farming tools
    • have a practical approach for developing a concept to a commercial product

    Example of profiles

    • Equipment suppliers
    • Developers of PLF technologies
    • Scientists in the field of sensors and potential PLF tools 

    Your Needs?

    • explore the diversity of PLF tools in various species (pig, cow, broiler)
    • list problems and solutions for implementing PLF tools in a farm
    • be introduced to possible business models for PLF tool

    Example of profiles

    • Animal farmers
    • Caretakers
    • Coaches and trainers
    • Professionals upstream and downstream the supply chain