
Opportunities were classified in 4 main themes: farm business, market, supply chain and policy opportunities (Table below). Consumer demand for “sustainable” produce and food produced locally were perceived as good opportunities for mixed farming in all countries. Farming and rural development policies that rewarded environmental goods and services (e.g. ecosystem services, biodiversity, lower carbon footprint) were also identified as a good opportunities for mixed farming. Along a similar line, Poland identified multifunctional development, or the ability to provide goods and services other than agricultural products, as a good opportunity for mixed farming.

The potential to link specialized farms at a territorial scale was identified as a good opportunity in Wales and France, and the development of new co-operation structures between farmers was seen as an opportunity in Sweden and Poland. The potential to offer a wider range of products and services from a single farm business was identified as an important opportunity in Poland only, and Sweden identified increased and sustained soil fertility as an opportunity for mixed farming (both from an agronomic and economic point of view).

France identified renewable energy generation (e.g. biogas) as a very good opportunity for mixed farming. This was also mentioned in Wales.