Precision Livestock Farming : Suppliers e-course

How to analyse an animal production chain?

Animal production chain is complex. To analyse its performance, management and competitiveness, a multi-criteria and multi-agent approach is required

MethodTo assess an animal supply chain, you can follow these steps :

  • To delineate the contours of the supply chain:

What are the main activities? What are the relations and links between activities ? Which flows are involved ?

Who are the actors/partners/stakeholders involved in the supply chain ? Do they have direct or indirect operations ? Where are the main places for organisation and discussion ?

Which actors produce the final product and where ?

Who are the customers and the consumers ? Where are they ?

  • To describe technically the supply chain :

What are the choices made at each step (production, processing, retailer) ?

Analyse choices qualitatively and quantitatively

  • To understand the institution influence and policy

Who are the policy makers ?

What are the strategies of stakeholders toward public policy ?

What are the relationships between actors in the supply chain (draw the chain is easier for that !). What are the rules behind these relationships ?

  • To describe the supply chain economically :

What are the main indicators ? What is the evolution of those indicators year after year ?

Results steps by steps

Global result for the supply chain

  • To evaluate environmental challenges for the supply chain

Assessment of the environmental impact of the supply chain requires data which could be integrated in PLF tools.

Each assessment refers to the units and the method used!

ExampleEnvironmental assessment of a supply chain

To know more on methods to assess the environment impact of supply chains, download this file


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